“A LIFETIME OF STORIES”- Celebrating our 70th Year
Dave Christenson
Starting "scree evacuation" practice, somewhere in Boulder County, 1960s or '70s
Excerpt from Playing for Real: Stories from Rocky Mountain Rescue
By Mark Scott-Nash (RMRG retired)
A mountain rescue group was a revolutionary idea necessitated by an unprecedented cluster of mountaineering accidents and tragedies in the winter of 1946-1947. Volunteer mountain search and rescue groups were unheard of before this, when accidents were few and far between. Subsequent newspaper notices called for volunteers to meet and bring their ideas about search and rescue. The meeting time of the Rocky Mountain Rescue Group was set for 7:30p.m., the same time meetings have been held ever since.
A steering committee was formed that consisted of Art Everson (the sheriff), Charles Hutchinson, C.A. Hutchinson Jr. Clinton Duvall, Evertt Long, Bruce Snow, Clayton Weaver (Forest Service ranger), Stuart Mace, Art McNair, and John Pederson . . .
Spectacular missions dot RMR’s history from those earliest days . . .
Check back here for the next installment of 70th stories: The RMR mission that gave “airplane gully” on Navajo Peak west of Boulder it’s name.