Rescue of Stuck Climber on North Face of Third Flatiron
Angela Tomczik
Staged on Bluebell Road, rescuers used binoculars to direct roped teams to the stuck party on the North side of the Third Flatiron.
The stuck party (wearing white) and rescuers (wearing blue) as seen through a spotting scope at the Bluebell Shelter.
RMRG members coordinated the rescue of a stuck scrambler who had climbed up the north side of the Third Flatiron on the morning of Monday, September 19. After finding himself in precarious, technical terrain, the scrambler began yelling for help. A bystander heard the screams, located the stuck party and called 911. Rocky Mountain Rescue Group responded to the call, sending in roped climbing teams from both above and below the scrambler. Once secured, the uninjured scrambler was lowered to the trail and hiked out to the trail-head. RMRG never charges for rescue services, and there were no fees/charges associated with this rescue.
RMRG rescues many stuck scramblers in the Flatirons and would like to take this opportunity to remind people that the Flatirons are composed of many technical routes. Scrambling, with or without ropes, can be very dangerous. It is easy to unintentionally end up in difficult terrain. Always be aware of dangerous terrain (lichen, pine needles, moss, loose rock, water) on less traveled routes. When planning a climb make sure to research route descriptions, including instructions on how to return back down to the trail. Remember that climbing up is often easier than down-climbing.
Only attempt to climb a features which you have researched and have the proper gear/expertise to safely complete.